Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm a bad neighbour...

We recently moved. Same town. New house. (well old house but new to us) Anyways, in our old neighbourhood we were *those* neighbours. Messy yard, cluttered front porch, unruly get it. Keep in mind, though, that we were surrounded by mostly elderly homeowners or childless. Upon moving here we realized a few things: we would not have the messiest yard by any means and our children are far from the unruliest. Yay us!!

So being the nice person I am (stop laughing, Ashley!) I offerred to put our neighbour's son on the bus in the morning and be there when he gets home. So far Rob has taken care of the mornings more than I, and the days I *forget* to be at the bus stop are starting to mount in number. Monday my 8 year old son met him (he happened to be outside), Tuesday another neighbour brought him over and today I barely got outside and he was waltzing up the walkway. Thankfully we had a yard full of kids so the bus driver let him off.

Tomorrow should be fun. Rob is starting a new job and will be leaving much earlier in the morning so I will be on my own...yikes!!


Ashley said...

Haha! I totally laughed before I got to your comment to me. Poor wee guy! Get your ass out there already