Friday, July 8, 2011

I confess....

Linking up with Mamarazzi for the first time.

I confess...

I am way more messy and disorganized than I'd like to be.

I confess...

I get sentimentally attached to inanimate objects, like receiving blankets from when Cassie was a baby, or toys they once really liked but haven't looked at in years. Or the pocket calender I used when I was pregnant for Cassie to write all my obs appointments in.

I confess...

I can go days without ever leaving my house.

I confess...

Even though I spend a lot of time at home the kitchen is rarely ever spotless.

I confess...

I would love to have a "show home" but to accomplish that we'd have to move out.



Mamarazzi said...

LOL about the "show home". My kitchen is the one room that MUST be clean all the time or i am a MESS!

Thanks so much for joining in, love having new people...LOVE! I hope you will come back over and over and that this link party will bring lots of new friends.

I have a little favor to ask you…when linking up to any of my link parties I ask people to link to their actual post for that party. NOT just the url to your blog. Your url to your blog looks like this:

The url you should be linking up is the url to your actual post. You can get the correct url by clicking on the title of your post. The url you should be linking up looks like this:

I spend a lot of time correcting links that I would rather spend reading and commenting on blogs so I would super appreciate it if you could do this one little thing for me.


Mamarazzi said...

oh i went to reply to your comment on my blog, i always like to reply via email and your email address is not enabled.

did you know that?

this means that you spend so much time leaving lovely comments on people's blogs and they have no way of responding to a question or thanking you for stopping by or just continuing the conversation...because instead of your email address all they see is "no-reply comment".

sad right?

you can fix that if you like.

just go to your dashboard, click edit profile and click show email address and then click save profile.


and i PROMISE if you change this blogging will get even better and become even more fun!