Wednesday, July 6, 2011

All about me...

I saw this over at Ashley's blog and thought it was a great post.

I am... Jennifer...a mom to 3 busy boys and 1 beautiful daughter and wife to my best friend.

I want... one quiet peaceul day that's just all for me.

I have... an addiction to all things crafty.
I wish... all babies could be born healthy, happy and not until their meant to be.

I neighbour's dogs...a lot...I have even kicked one once for peeing on the playhouse.

I fear...the dark, totally and irrationally. And crowds of people when I am by myself.

I hear...shockingly, nothing, with 3 boys I should go check that out.

I search...etsy at least twice a day.

I wonder... what my kids will be like as teenagers.

I regret...not being more outgoing in high school.

I family.

I never...excercise, or walk places I don't really need to drive to.

I ache...when I sit too long in one position, like driving, my hips hurt like a mother____

I the van

I dance...only when I'm drinking, which isn;t very often.

I lose...everything, at least once
I need...more hours in a day
I always...procrastinate

I am confused...often

I am not bitchy as I sound

I cry...easily.
I sometimes...what life would be like if I'd made other choices.

I am not...confident.

I usually...have a horribly messy house but happy kids, so it balances out right?!?
I should...keep in touch with friends more, network my business more, clean and organize our home.