Sunday, July 24, 2011

supersize my drink

and my straw!!!!

How sick is this straw? The kids bought a pack of them at Dollarama. 50 of them for $1.

You know the best thing about a straw this monstrous?!?! If you use it while driving you don't actually have to pick up your cup to take a sip!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

10 reasons why I'll never be mother of the year

One of the first blogs I stumbled across not written by someone I actually know is Helene's. Her blog, I'm Living Proof that God has a Sense of Humor is a great! I could sit here trying to come up with some really awesome adjectives to describe it but, really, I have so much to do today I can barely type without backspacing every few characters because hand-mind coordination isn't up to par. But check it out, she is a StayAtHomeMom to 2 sets of twins. WOW!!!

I'm Living Proof That God has a Sense of Humor

Her most recent post prompted me to steal borrow her topic. Her's are the ones in bold.

1)  I lie to my kids. ~ Naturally, but I am such a horrible liar they are the only ones who are gullible trusting enough to believe me.

2)  I encourage them to give one another wedgies.  ~ I don't do this but if one wrongs/harms another I will allow the harmed one to exact revenge.

3)  I curse like a sailor.  ~Anyone who knows me knows I do. To the point where no one but my own mother even notices.

4)  I spend approximately 138 minutes of my day fantasizing that I'm on the beach in Hawaii all by my lonesome. Or, I head to the back room to "do laundry" when actually I am heading out the back door for some peace and quiet without having to take the kids outside with me.

5)  The reason I carry a first aid kit with me at all times, honestly, is because I don't care to listen to my kids cry endlessly about needing a band-aid on a scrape the size of a period or that they can't swim in the pool because of a tiny sliver of nail that's come partially loose.  ~ I actually HATE bandaids, except the fabric-y kinds. And I usually tell the kids to suck it up (also why I never finished nursing)

6)  I'm not exactly a model of class or grace and I'm not above yelling, "What are YOU staring at?" to complete strangers who rudely ogle me while my kids have a tantrum in a store. I couldn't have come up with a better description myself.

7)  If I need a moment of peace and quiet, I'll let them watch something completely age-inappropriate on the television.  Or play the Wii for hours on end.  ~ My kids have/can/do watch The Simpsons and Family Guy. And they have DSi's.

8)   I yell. ~ When we moved here my neighbour warned me that the lady across the road could yell a mean one to her stepson, that I'd hear it from my house with windows closed. I'm pretty sure my voice carried further than that.

 9)  I scare my kids shitless to get them to follow simple directions.  ~ Yup. And guilt them. It's not enough to tell them they could get hit by a car, I let them know how it would hurt ME if they got hurt. Cuz they never want Mommy to be upset (obviously works better when they're younger and haven't learned to hate me yet)

10)   I have no problem with my kids eating food off the floor. ~  I just have to check it first for dog hair LOL.

Do all y'all relate to any of these too?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

it's official

Since I *finally* got my butt in gear and sent in my registration in, i can officially announce that ~Cassabella Creations~ will be having a vendor booth at the Shawville Fair this year!!!

I am so excited, scared, nervous. I'm worried I won't have enough stuff and at the same time worried I will make too much and no one will want it. Not quite sure how we're going to manage though. I'll be at the booth from opening to closing and Rob will be on his own with the kids. I've spent quite a few years taking the kids around by mysef while Rob was busy but not with 4 and I'm a little sad I will be missing seeing Ash go one rides for the first time.

I have so much to do between now and then, and of course i am the queen of procrastination. Rob has scolded me suggested that I not post new items on my website or Facebook page. Take a "holiday" of sorts, from customer orders anyways.

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Head on over to Lena's blog to enter her great giveaway! An awesome prize of a really cool bottlecap necklace of your choice and $20 shop credit to buy some more great stuff. All from Cassabella Creations!!! Cuz I'm not a bit biased or anything...hehehe

Good Luck!!!!

Giveaway ends tonight!

Friday, July 8, 2011

I confess....

Linking up with Mamarazzi for the first time.

I confess...

I am way more messy and disorganized than I'd like to be.

I confess...

I get sentimentally attached to inanimate objects, like receiving blankets from when Cassie was a baby, or toys they once really liked but haven't looked at in years. Or the pocket calender I used when I was pregnant for Cassie to write all my obs appointments in.

I confess...

I can go days without ever leaving my house.

I confess...

Even though I spend a lot of time at home the kitchen is rarely ever spotless.

I confess...

I would love to have a "show home" but to accomplish that we'd have to move out.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cassie's sundress

My fave so far

Just one more pillowcase is by far my favorite fabric. I've been eyeing it up, fondling it, admiring it, wondering what I was going to make with it. This is what I came up with.

I also made a super cute two layered skirt for Cassie but I still have to add the elastic for the waistband. I will definitely post a pic of it once it's done. I also have some really nice shirred fabric to make a sundress for her. Maybe I will do that later today.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

All about me...

I saw this over at Ashley's blog and thought it was a great post.

I am... Jennifer...a mom to 3 busy boys and 1 beautiful daughter and wife to my best friend.

I want... one quiet peaceul day that's just all for me.

I have... an addiction to all things crafty.
I wish... all babies could be born healthy, happy and not until their meant to be.

I neighbour's dogs...a lot...I have even kicked one once for peeing on the playhouse.

I fear...the dark, totally and irrationally. And crowds of people when I am by myself.

I hear...shockingly, nothing, with 3 boys I should go check that out.

I search...etsy at least twice a day.

I wonder... what my kids will be like as teenagers.

I regret...not being more outgoing in high school.

I family.

I never...excercise, or walk places I don't really need to drive to.

I ache...when I sit too long in one position, like driving, my hips hurt like a mother____

I the van

I dance...only when I'm drinking, which isn;t very often.

I lose...everything, at least once
I need...more hours in a day
I always...procrastinate

I am confused...often

I am not bitchy as I sound

I cry...easily.
I sometimes...what life would be like if I'd made other choices.

I am not...confident.

I usually...have a horribly messy house but happy kids, so it balances out right?!?
I should...keep in touch with friends more, network my business more, clean and organize our home.

From screwed-up to lovin' it

I started sewing another pillowcase dress and had so many issues this time. The first one I did (well) was a breeze. A little on the slow side as I read the tutorial at least 3 times for each step. This time I decided I would check the tutorial only when needed. As it turned out, I didn't need it.

But boy did I have problems. Apparently my (well my sister's but she's NEVER used it) sewing machine is tempermental. The bobbin has to be wound so a specific side is facing up when inserted in it's home. But there is no way to distinguish which way, just a lot of trial and error and wasted thread and trying to hold it a certain way while setting it up to re-wind it.

So after 2 days of effing with the machine to figure this out I got the dress sewn up. I tried it on my model (Cohen) and realized it was a bit on the short side. So I figured I had enough fabric left to add on a ruffle.

Here's where the fun started. I start sewing only to realize 1/3 of the way in that I was mangling up the hem on the dress, oopsie. Started again and got into a good rythm. Finished it off, looking good, or so I thought. When I turned it right side out I realized I now had 2 rows of stitching, quite uneven and not very professional looking at all. I was quite disappointed with the finished product when a little light bulb lit up. So, smarty pants me flipped the original dress hem upwards and sewed a straight stitch across and now it looks GREAT!! Totally as if I meant to do that!!

Cheeky Cherry
I am loving sewing and have so many items planned! I have a little stash of fabric started and have been looking for more suppliers. Anyone know of any good fabric stores?