Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

 Playing follow-the-leader today and taking inspiration from Lena and linking up with Roots and Rings.
1. How do you pronounce the word aunt? Does your pronunciation rhyme with ‘haunt’ or ‘can’t'?
It rhymes with “can’t”. I used to get a kick out of Will Smith (as the Fresh Prince of Bel Air) when he would say Aunt Viv ( like haunt)
2. Do most of the people in your life know you blog? Or are you partially or totally anonymous?
Not really. Pretty much only a handful of people whose blogs I also follow. I really only have, like, 13 followers.
3. When you grocery shop, do you prefer to bag your own groceries or do you like it when the store bags them for you? Paper, plastic, or reusable bags?
I like to do my own. I used to work in a grocery store and I like things done my way, aka the right way. I like using my reuseable bags but we will still request the plastic ones (even at 5 cents a piece) to use for our trash. 
4. Do you have a green thumb?
Not even a little bit. Let's be thankful I'm better at taking care of kids than a plant.
5. If you watch the Food Network, which chef/show host is your favorite?
II don't watch the Food Network. I don't cook either.
6. Do you like to take baths? Do you take them very often?
I love baths but it's not even a choice right now. Our bathroom is mid reno and has no shower.
7. What color are the walls in your kitchen?
Ugh. Ancient beige wallpaper, crumbling white plaster and white barker board half way up.
8. Do you prefer to dine outdoors or indoors?
Indoors. I hate bugs and having to bring everything back in afterwards.
9. Describe your ideal weather.
Autumn weather. 
10. If you could learn any foreign language, which would you choose to learn?
I know French pretty well although not fluent (even though I have my bilingual certificate - go figure) but I'd like to learn Spanish so I could give Dora & Diego a tuning they'll understand