Sunday, June 5, 2011

Not MY Aunt!

I'm fairly certain this blog post will only truly be appreciated by 2 of my followers. You'll both know who you are once you read!

Most families have one or two of "those" people, right? The relatives you barely admit to being related to...well this is one of mine.
Psycho Aunt. She has done some odd things over the years. She's certainly had her ups and downs and at times has even been a pretty nice person BUT this really takes the cake.
She is THE cat lady. Give it a few years and she will be just like that raving lunatic on Simpsons.

To get to the point, she inherited a cat from my Nan when she passed away, who is now 13 years old. Clearly Min's life was coming to an end at some point soon. Well, the inevitable happened and Min passed on. Apparently, she passed in her sleep laying on the end of Auntie's couch.
Here's the kicker, she left her there for 2 days. D E A D. On her couch for 2 days!!!!
Attachment issues?

Disclaimer: I'm really not normally this harsh about family members but this particular aunt threw my bassinette across the room with me in it, clearly I've held a grudge.


meeganjae said...

OMFG!! Not my Aunt either~ So, so sad~

ashley said...

Ahahaha, are you f'ing kidding me?! Lol!!! That is absolutely your aunt - both of you.

Mommie that Gets It said...