i just need a little venting...it's over something very very miniscule, not even in the realm of important but it's still bugging m.
Recently, I was a vendor at the McDowell School craft sale. When I signed up for it I made sure to ask the lady in charge if it was ok for there to be more than one vendor with similar products or if they were looking to keep it very diversified. She assured me that there would probably be quite a few different vendors with similar products but that was ok because it made for better shopping for the customers. I even made a point of NOT bringing certain items with me because they were pretty much the same as another girl's "bowtique" items.
I have been a customer of hers since mid summer. I have been making clips for my daughter since early spring after seeing some that my sister-in-law had purchased at a store local to her home. After the sale, where my "competition" did very well regardless of my presence, she blocked me on facebook from seeing her personal profile (along with my daughter and husband) and removed all 3 of us from being fans of her fan page. Even after clicking "like" again, thinking it was just fb acting up she removed us once more and blocked us from being able to comment on the wall or on pics. This didn't bother me terribly until last night's bash, where items were offered for sale prices in a game type setting.
After a few emails back and forth where I felt I was more than polite she made it possible for me to comment under photos but I still cannot even do a fb search under her name. Meaning, she has me blocked. I proceed to participate in the bash only to find out she can't see my comments. Again, because she has me blocked. This is not only a piss off to me but to others as well because by her not seeing my comments but others able to it throws off the count of comments (which was how you "won" by being a certain # comment). She then states that she knows why she can't see them but acts like I have her blocked. Hello?!?! I may be juvenile but not that much.
Then I get sent an invoice for 1 clip that someone told her I was the "winner" of. By winner, it means I win the chance to purchase it. I love the clip, it is a pink leopard print flower, it would look great in cassie's dark hair!! Along with the price of the clip I am being charged $3 shipping!!! You have got to be kidding me! I saw on other comments on the fan page that 2 other women have shipping charges of $2.50 each and they won quite a few items. So why the outrageous shipping fee? Not to mention I still have a $5 credit with her from an online party i hosted this summer. I emailed requesting if I could apply it to this. Waiting to hear back. If not I won't be buying it!!
I understand that she feels I am in competition with her for her customers/sales but really, I only did the one craft sale (and I had other items than just hair products that she doesn't carry) and I haven't attempted to sell any clips since. She told me she felt "conflicted" because I started out as a customer and friend and now i am making "direct imitations" of her original work. Umm...original? not a chance sweetie. I actually found a website offering FREE tutorials on how to make ALL the items she claims are her own ideas, which is where I learned how to make all the ones I make. Ok, so because I make clips I can't buy from her? The items I wanted from her were ones I have no interest in making myself even if I think they are adorable! An analogy I used was this, if I owned a bakery would it mean I couldn't buy bread at the grocery store?
Did I mention her prices are a little inflated? By little I mean almost double what other "bowtiques" charge. Don't get me wrong, I believe in a healthy profit margin for the retailer but when an item cost $3 to make, and others sell it for $10-12 and she asks $18 its a little out of my personal budget.
Again, she has some really nice stuff, and for someone who isn't inclined to make it themselves it's great. But I don't much care for her customer relations.
After discussing this with a few people I have come to the decision to go make a go at my cassabella bowtique, although i may change it to boutique as it will be more than just hair accessories. I also have appliqued shirts, onesies etc, reuseable snack bags, crochet (by me) hats, and depending on my newfound sewing skills I may even have handmade clothing. For now until the new year I won't be doing a whole lot, just the inventory I have already, but after that I will make an honest go at it!!
Sorry to any of you who read this and know who I am talking about and are her friend. Maybe I should keep this to myself but hey, my blog, my rant right?!?
29 Weeks with Baby Number 3
7 years ago
That suxs Jen and I totally agree with you and seeing it all over the place...I see tons of Etsy stores that do carry the same bows and stuff...I don't think its fair at all that she thinks you took her idea or what not...anyone can make these - my cousin has started to make them too and she sells them privately for $2.50 each...to each their own...it's called a hobby for some people...!
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